Are sessions confidential?
What we talk about during sessions is confidential unless I have concerns about the safety of you, your family or another member of the public. In such cases I may need to share this information with other professionals (for example, a GP, safeguarding services, educational establishments). As a clinical psychologist I attend regular supervision and discuss my work confidentially with my supervisor(s). This is so I can ensure that I continue to provide high quality support to the individuals and families I am working with. I will discuss confidentiality with you during our initial session and throughout our work together, where appropriate.
Can I pay for sessions via health insurance?
I currently work as an independent practitioner and I am not affiliated with any Dutch health insurance provider. Please check with your health insurance provider to see whether there are any reimbursements available.
How long will we work together? What if I want to end sessions?
The length of our work together will vary on a number of factors and it is something we will discuss during our initial sessions and on a regular basis. For some, a small number of sessions will feel sufficient, whereas others may be seeking longer term support. You are able to end sessions at any point and I would always encourage you to discuss this with me. Generally speaking, a planned ending is preferable to a sudden stop to sessions.
How often will we meet?
The frequency of our sessions will depend on the type of support you are looking for and the type of intervention offered. The evidence base for some interventions may indicate that weekly sessions are more likely to lead to positive change, whereas other approaches lend themselves well to slightly less frequent meetings (e.g. every two or three weeks). Again, this is something that we will discuss and determine together and we will review this regularly.
Can I come for support for my child or teen without them? Or, would you see my child without seeing me?
Absolutely. Some evidence suggests that working with parents/carers directly can have a greater impact than working with a child. This is something we will think about when we first meet. Sometimes children or adolescents are invited to attend but choose not to, this is also fine. If Iām working with a younger child, parents/carers will almost always be involved. Sometimes adolescents prefer that their parents/carers are not so involved but I find that some contact is generally beneficial to the work. Confidentiality is as important for children and adolescents and so without consent (unless I have concerns about risk or safety), I will not share information about the content of sessions with a parent/carer. Sometimes when working with families where communication is challenging, I might suggest that another professional joins our work, so that one professional works with the child / adolescent and the other professional works with the parents.
What if I am unhappy with the service you have provided?
If you are dissatisfied or unhappy with something, please do raise this with me so that we can discuss it further and try to resolve the issue together. If you feel you are not able to discuss this with me and would like to seek further advice or make a complaint, you may do so via NIP here.
Any other questions? Please contact me here.